Social Media

If you have some time and have accounts, then share information to people on social media. There are some examples below. IMAGES There should be images in our photo bank EXAMPLES TWEETS Click on the tweets to share them. FACEBOOK Check out one of the images...

Join Zoom Calls

Especially while many things are online, Drax will be running a lot of talks about how great they are 🙄. This is our chance to pop in and ask a few questions they might not have been expecting. We aren’t going to persuade any of Drax employees (unless you’re really...

Banner Drop

Make a banner, see our photo bank for idea Find a location in your town/city that has good foot fall (e.g. over a bridge) Find someone to take photos Drop the banner Share the photos


EXAMPLE SIGNS Forests are friends not fuel Cut carbon not forests Axe Drax Love Trees #AxeDrax Don’t feed Draxular