Jul 6, 2023

Retired GP, Dr. Diana Warner, finds herself at the centre of a legal battle which could lead to imprisonment. She stands accused of obstructing a train heading to the controversial tree-burning power station, Drax. The trial is 3 days from 11th to 13th July, and there will be supporters outside each day from 10am.

On 14 Dec 2021, Dr. Diana Warner was arrested and subsequently charged with obstructing a train to the notorious Drax power station. Dr. Warner was filmed standing by the train line in orange high visibility clothing and a large flag on the day, making a speech pleading with those in power to take a stand against Drax. She has also been charged with aggravated trespass.

Situated in Selby, North Yorkshire, Drax power station is the UKs single largest carbon emitter, and world’s biggest tree burner. Drax has faced widespread criticism due to its heavy reliance on burning wood pellets obtained through clear felling forests. Drax has also been fined for damaging the health of poor and Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC) communities who live in the regions affected by deadly pollution coming from its wood pellet producing industrial plants. Residents in the communities affected by Drax describe its operations as environmental racism, leading to widespread criticism of Drax from across the political spectrum.

Dr. Warner has marched, written letters, emailed her MP and even stood as an MP candidate in her efforts to make our children safer and now after a desperate attempt to get those in power to listen finds herself facing a jury in Leeds Crown Court. This is not the first time she has faced a jury, as just a week before travelling to Drax Dr Warner was cleared by a jury for disrupting the DLR in London to highlight the climate emergency.

Dr. Diana Warner allegedly halted the train carrying biomass fuel to Drax through peaceful protest by the tracks. On the court case and action she said:

As a doctor, all my life I have worked to help people stay well. In retirement I am doing the same. We know that climate change caused by burning fossil fuels is killing people and threatens our way of life, our civilisation. We know that the Drax power plant is the UK’s highest carbon emmitter. While previous high pollution levels within Drax power station itself has harmed those working there, its continued operation is a threat to us all.

Drax have been under fire from all sides in the last year with Ofgem both fining Drax £6.1 million in January and launching an investigation in March around its sustainability, this investigation is ongoing. Drax workers have gone on strike twice. Drax were caught out on their continued lies about the deadly pollution of their pellet plants in USA. Drax had their annual shareholder meeting descend into chaos as Axe Drax members were carried out by security. Most recently multiple international NGOs have written to Grant Shapps calling on him to end subsidies for woody biomass in the upcoming biomass strategy.

Axe Drax and many other groups have been peacefully campaigning against biomass for years. We have signed petitions, written letters, held protests, lobbied decision makers, but this destructive industry is being allowed to continue funded by public money coming out of peoples energy bills. Harm is being felt right now by the BIPOC people on the front lines of Drax’s business of destruction. Our climate is on the brink of tipping points that would put every society at risk of collapse, with those in the global south already feeling disastrous, irreparable loss of and damage to life, home, stability and knowledge.


My mother-in-law moved to Canada, and while visiting her we walked within the virgin forests of British Columbia. The stateliness and power of these forests are unbelievable – it is no surprise that the indigenous peoples understand them to be sacred. I am full of grief to think that remaining virgin forests here are being clear-cut, in the twenty-first century, confirmed and exposed by Panorama journalists this year.

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Axe Drax are a network in resistance to Drax which utilise a diversity of tactics including direct action. We have 3 demands to the UK government:


Governments and corporations be honest: biomass causes irreparable damage to the health of people and our life support systems. Classifying burning trees as renewable is a scam and the government is making us pay for it.


Remove the £ billions in subsidies given to Drax and other biomass power stations in the UK. This money funds death and destruction around the world, harming POC and poorer communities the most whilst corporations profit. If we stop the money, we stop the destruction.


The £ billions given to biomass should be used to fund a just transition: furlough; retrain and transfer workers in the biomass industry; invest in education, affordable housing and health; fund genuine renewable energy. We must develop a plan of moving away from profit motives, which are fuelling the climate crisis, towards community based solutions.

The Reuters Sustainability Awards, which features amongst others, tobacco companies, mining companies, and the UK’s biggest carbon emitter, Yorkshire power station Drax, is being accused of ‘Greenwashing’ by environmental activists who disrupted the ceremony in Central London.

The Reuters Sustainability Awards are meant to ‘celebrate leadership in sustainable businesses’; but the finalists included over 100 companies with questionable environmental and human rights records. Companies paid Reuters £500-1000 to enter into the awards, and then a further minimum of £8000 to attend the event.

Finalists included; Selby based Biofuel giant Drax, who are the UKs biggest carbon emitter1 and recently faced £25m of OFGEM fines over misreporting in its supply chains2; Holcim Ltd, whose subsidiary paid Isis millions during Syria’s civil war to keep its concrete factories open3, Aris Mining who are suing the country of Colombia because of community unionsation4, and Fortescue, the Australian mining giant who were sued for mining on Aboriginal land5 and recently welcomed the disastrous former Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng as an advisor6. Other nominees include Amazon, Mars, and the Tobacco giant Philip Morris International. Virgin Atlantic were nominated for an award for their ‘Sustainable Aviation Fuel’ project, which recent reporting showed to be linked to deforestation7.

Activists unfurled a banner above the entrance to the Central London venue, reading ‘Welcome To The Greenwashing Awards”, and handed out ‘Certificates of Greenwashing’ to participants, which listed some of the abuses on the back. 

Polly Hallam, from campaigning group Axe Drax, said: 

“What we are seeing here is an example of the very same multinationals who are guilty of perpetuating the climate crisis pretending to have green credentials to distract us from their environmental and human rights abuses. They pay money to get a badge for press releases and websites in order to launder their reputation. These awards distract us from the real work needed to rapidly decarbonise and get on track to solving the catastrophe that continues to unfold.”

Sam Simons from Climate Resistance said:

“Big polluters are using their political influence to stonewall climate action and protect their own short-term profits. Drax, the UK’s single largest carbon emitter, donated £12,000 to Labour and sponsored their party conference, in order buy influence and protect their dirty business. We face a climate crisis – only last month, huge swathes of Europe were underwater. Yet these companies are more focused on laundering their reputations rather than stopping the actual harmful practices that are contributing to the problem.”



Axe Drax
Axe Drax is a UK based grassroots network that actively opposes Drax through disruptive direct action. We campaign for an end to Drax’s subsidies, due to the environmental, societal and planetary impacts of burning trees for energy. We are building a broad based network, working in solidarity with frontline communities to effectively confront the environmentally destructive biomass industry and the social and economic forces driving climate change. 

Drax Power Station, located near Selby in Yorkshire, is the world’s biggest woody biomass power station and the UK’s single largest carbon emitter. Drax sources from around the world, primarily the US, Canada, and the Baltic States. Drax’s wood pellet production sites, predominantly located in environmental justice communities, emit large amounts of pollutants, such as PM10, PM2.5 and VOCs which are linked to respiratory and pulmonary health impacts. Woody biomass is counted as carbon neutral by the UK Government, allowing Drax to receive renewable energy subsidies (CfDs and ROCs). 


Social Media: axe_drax


Notes for Editors: More information on environmental and human rights record of nominated companies are available on request. 

Spokes available on request. 

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